Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our first experience with a Doctor.

Sophia has been sick with a cold that somedays seems to get better and than others worse so on Monday Mark and I decided we needed to find a Doctor to have her looked at. We were referred to a Doctor that spoke English so we rang him at 8:30 am. After explaining our situation to him he told us he could come over to the house at 9 am to see Sophia or we could bring her into his office at 2 pm. We opted for the latter since she was sleeping...I really couldn't believe though that he was actually going to make a house call. Now, when we finally arrived at his office, I knocked on the door and the Doctor opened the door himself and guided me to his office. There were no mounds of paperwork to be filled out, no waivers, no insurance, nothing. He immediately started to gently caress Sophia's cheek in a loving way and to giver her an exam. Unfortunately, Sophia was very sick with Pneamonia and an ear infection. We were given a pad with the medication to get and he left us with "You have my home number and cell number to call me in teh morning" I have gotten increasingly annoyed by our health care system and how it is run. There are the personal touches in life that give quality and meaning. Italy is a country that still values this and it is wonderful to experience!!! P.S. Sophia is getting better.


skelly said...

Hi Trac, That was interesting. I was wondering about cost.

I sent your blog address to Margret in N.Z. so you might expect to hear from her.


Anonymous said...

Craig and I watched Michael Moore's "Sicko" the other day and experiencing the same frustrations and questions you seem to be asking. How nice that you got to experience an alternative!
Good to hear Sophia's getting better, and we're enjoying seeing all your photos!

Anonymous said...

sounds like you should see the film "sicko." it talks about this exact scenario where most other countries actually care about the health of its citizens. house calls! those photos look really beautiful. guess you're not roughing it. look fwd to more blogs. ciou bella

Anonymous said...

Hi to All,

I was just thinking about all of you yesterday and what do you know, today I get your email blog... what a great idea! I'm excited that I get to vicariously live through you while your on your adventure. I love the pictures and stories. I sure hope lil Sophia is doing better.. a doctor that makes house calls.. boy we have tons to learn over here! Love you guys!

Anonymous said...

David Krovitz here in Colorado with the kids... it's not Mont Blanc, but hey, love this blog! I second Mika and Craig's reference to "Sicko" - we should all move to Europe, especially Florence. Keep on posting!

Anonymous said...

Poor little Sophia, you must have been so worried but what a caring doctor you found! I had a similiar experience last June in Granada, Spain - had to see a dentist, my front crown had broken, personal & friendly - 20 euros!

Love looking at your photos and reading your blogs, you seem to be having a wonderful time!