Monday, January 21, 2008

The Bidet... Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and More...

By Mark...

We were having dinner with our Italian friends Andrea & Diane at our house and after several bottles of wine I had to ask the bidet question.

Do people really use the Bidet or does it just sit there?

Oh, yes... we use it everyday! All the time... So then I had ask more questions (Children might not want to continue here...)

How do you use it? I know we have all seen one and probably just turned on the water, checked it out and then turned it off. Well... here goes "Bidet 101" After you do the business you are supposed to wipe a couple of times until clean. Then you move over to the Bidet and turn on the water to the right temperature. Face the nozzle down and don't have the nozzle full blast. Then sit over the Bidet with you back to the wall and reach around and re-adjust the nozzle to hit the right spots. Sit and enjoy a few moments. Then use a bar of soap or there are now special rear end soft soaps and wash the derriere so everything is happy. Then dry off. Evidently there usually are small towel rails just above the bidet with a small Bidet towel on it. (So, two valuable lessons here... beware of Bidet soap bar and never grab the small towel above the bidet the dry your face!) Andrea is helping an American client redo a property here and they did not want to add bidets in the new bathrooms but Andrea insisted otherwise they would really hurt their resale value down the road! Its a MUST!!!

People in Italy do not shower everyday and the Bidet is also a way to keep the special parts clean. Hair can get a little dirty but its said that the oil is good for the scalp. They also wash their feet in it too. Now you know...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our first experience with a Doctor.

Sophia has been sick with a cold that somedays seems to get better and than others worse so on Monday Mark and I decided we needed to find a Doctor to have her looked at. We were referred to a Doctor that spoke English so we rang him at 8:30 am. After explaining our situation to him he told us he could come over to the house at 9 am to see Sophia or we could bring her into his office at 2 pm. We opted for the latter since she was sleeping...I really couldn't believe though that he was actually going to make a house call. Now, when we finally arrived at his office, I knocked on the door and the Doctor opened the door himself and guided me to his office. There were no mounds of paperwork to be filled out, no waivers, no insurance, nothing. He immediately started to gently caress Sophia's cheek in a loving way and to giver her an exam. Unfortunately, Sophia was very sick with Pneamonia and an ear infection. We were given a pad with the medication to get and he left us with "You have my home number and cell number to call me in teh morning" I have gotten increasingly annoyed by our health care system and how it is run. There are the personal touches in life that give quality and meaning. Italy is a country that still values this and it is wonderful to experience!!! P.S. Sophia is getting better.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Now this is what I call a fireplace

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View of the Tuscan Hills

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Riding through the tuscan hills

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Andrea took the kids on a horse ride. Kathryn is Brendan's new friend

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Roasting chestnuts at their home

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Our friends Andrea and Diane's house. They have been renovating it for the past 3 years.

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Santa found us in Florence!!!!Merry Christmas

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Our patio...

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Our family room

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Our Kitchen...Carrara marble is very popular in Tuscan homes.

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Another picture of our yard

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This is a view from the back yard...yes, it's the Duomo!!!

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It is over 300 years old

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Our home is on a seven acre walled compound

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The front door to our new home in Florence

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Driving through the white mountains of France

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Sophia and Brendan...true love

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view of Flaine from slopes

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Having a break for lunch...

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Soph skiing L.A. style

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Mark and his beard

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Swiss Alps

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Mark and Brendan

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About to go through the Mont Blanc Tunnel

Its the tallest mountain in Europe and we had to go through it to get to France. 14 km long!
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Skiing in Flaine, France

We drove seven hours (one hour wait to get into the Mont Blanc tunnel) to arrive in Flaine, France. It is situated in a high valley in the French Alps. Mark's cousin Antony and his family have an apartent their so we decided to rent one out for a week. Now, Mark's a great skier, Spencer is on his way, Brendan has absolutely no fear and I , well, let's just say that it's difficult to start skiing when you and a "mother". Flaine is a great ski resort for families. There are no cars and our positioning couldn't be better. The French people were warm and friendly and the mountains were breathtaking. We had a lot of fun!!!!