Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Birthday Parties Italian style

We were invited to celebrate Spencer's friend Ludo's birthday at his parents country home just outside of Florence. It was a gorgeous day, great food and we had such a nice time.

Rome...first weekend of May

The boys had a three day weekend the first of May so we headed down by train (along with every other Italian) to Rome. We had such a great time seeing the most amazing buildings and history. We also were lucky enough to get a small glimpse of the Pope!!! The only bummer was our camera lost juice so we only have a few pitures.

Sports Day at ISF

Brendan and Spencer just love their school. They had the annual sports day and had so much fun running and playing with all their friends at school.

Susan and Sydney come to visit

Susan, who was my college roomate at UCLA, and her friend Sydney came to visit it us late April. It was Susan's first visit to Italy and we had a great time having them both!!! We definately plan on living life to it's fullest where ever we may be. y be!!

The boat

We were invited by new friends of ours to sail the Med with them for three weeks in August. It was such a great invitation so the first nice weekend we decided to make a test sail up the coast from Carrera (where all that beautiful marble comes from) to Cinque Terre. It was really fun and although it will be tight with 11 of us on board, we are going for it!!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008


I can't get over the stunnning beauty that Tuscany reveils in Spring. The colors are absolutely stunning. Here are some photos that we have taken.

Julie's visit

My dear friend Julie came out to visit us for a week. It has been 20 years since we were here together and it was at that time that I fell in love with Italy.

Andrea and Diane

Andrea and Diane had all of us over for a bbq in their home which they have been renovating for the past 3 years. We cooked meat in the fireplace and of course drank Chianti!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Castello di Poppiano

Our friends Camillo and Flaminia invited us all out to see the Castello di Poppiano where they produce wine and olive oil and to have dinner at his parents villa next door. It was really a special night for all of us. We don't get to experience such history in California and it was fun to see where and how the wine is made and then drink it!!!!

Siena and San Gimignano

We drove out to Siena and San Gimignano for the day and than Marcella came over and helped us make a delicous meal.

Dad and Kathy arrive-April 6-13

We were very excited to see Dad again and also to have Kathy with us. We had a great week together...cramming in as much as possible. The first couple of days they went to the boys school, had dinner at our friends home and walked around.

April is here-Springtime in Florence

The flowers are so beautiful here. They are popping up on roadsides, gardens and hillsides. It is as though you are living in a picture book of Italy.

Hotel Terme di Medici-Fonte verde

Mark and I went to the hills of Siena and spent one night at the nice hotel that has fantastic thermal spas. These are natural water sources that come from the ground. It was a great experience and the hills were gorgeous!!!

Easter with the Russells

The explosion of the cart at Easter is sort of fortune-telling ritual dating back to the end of the 11th century. Four oxen draw the cart to the baptistery. A metal wire is run from the cart all the way to the choir of the cathedral. A small dove-shaped rocket is lit and shot down the length of the church. When it hits the cart at the fireworks go off and square becomes alive with smoke and sparks.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Russell's visit

Laura, Glenn and Jimmy Russell came to visit over Easter. It was so gret to see our dear friends here in Florence and show them a bit of our Italian life. We took the kids on Easter morning down to the Duomo where we stood outside and watched the procession of the cart and than the exlosion of it.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Brendan..our artist.

Brendan has become so creative while living in Italy. We are really amazed at some of the things he has created. One day he took the camera and went into the garden and came back with these shots of Spring.

Skiing in Abetone

We met an Italian family here in Firenze that invited us up to the local mountains to ski. Mark took the boys and they had the best time. Camillo and Flaminia showed them special slopes and the weather was fantastic. The boys are becoming quite the skiers.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Dad's visit.

It was really great to have Dad here for 10 days. I took some wonderful pictures of Firenze. We are looking forward to his spring trip with his girlfriend Kathi.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentines Day 2008

We went with Dad and our friends, the Braheems for the day to Portofino.

Day two

Walking around Firenze

Dad's first visit.

Dad has made his first trip to Italy to visit with us for 10 days. He will be returning in April with his girlfriend, Kathy. We have been walking the streets of Firenze, eating at the various restaurants and some excursions. It has been really great to have Dad here to show him some of the things we are loving about our trip.

Pisa...the leaning tower.

Mark and I drove out to Pisa, which is only an hour away, to show the kids the leaning tower.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Venezia Carnivale

On Friday, Feb. 1st we went with the Braheems to Venezia to experience Carnivale. To say it was amazing is an understatement. First of all, there is no place on earth that is similar to Venezia (Venice) ; Than you throw in the winter fog and people dressed up in the most incredible costumes you have ever seen. To quote Anna Braheem "I was like stepping onto the set of Eyes Wide Shut. It was a great to never forget and it was also great to experience it with our friends.

The boys are really loving their new school.

One glorious winter day in Firenze

Cooking lessons with Marcella

Our friends, the Braheems, who have been living here in Firenze since August have been having this fantastic chef come to their home once a week to give them a cooking lesson. We are lucky enough to also have her come to our home. It has been a great experience for all of us. Not only does she teach us about Tuscan cooking but she also takes us to the San Lorenzo Market to pick the seasonal food out for that night's dinner and shares so many her ideas about Italy that is today and the Italy of yesterday. It is a fabulous night!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Bidet... Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and More...

By Mark...

We were having dinner with our Italian friends Andrea & Diane at our house and after several bottles of wine I had to ask the bidet question.

Do people really use the Bidet or does it just sit there?

Oh, yes... we use it everyday! All the time... So then I had ask more questions (Children might not want to continue here...)

How do you use it? I know we have all seen one and probably just turned on the water, checked it out and then turned it off. Well... here goes "Bidet 101" After you do the business you are supposed to wipe a couple of times until clean. Then you move over to the Bidet and turn on the water to the right temperature. Face the nozzle down and don't have the nozzle full blast. Then sit over the Bidet with you back to the wall and reach around and re-adjust the nozzle to hit the right spots. Sit and enjoy a few moments. Then use a bar of soap or there are now special rear end soft soaps and wash the derriere so everything is happy. Then dry off. Evidently there usually are small towel rails just above the bidet with a small Bidet towel on it. (So, two valuable lessons here... beware of Bidet soap bar and never grab the small towel above the bidet the dry your face!) Andrea is helping an American client redo a property here and they did not want to add bidets in the new bathrooms but Andrea insisted otherwise they would really hurt their resale value down the road! Its a MUST!!!

People in Italy do not shower everyday and the Bidet is also a way to keep the special parts clean. Hair can get a little dirty but its said that the oil is good for the scalp. They also wash their feet in it too. Now you know...

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Our first experience with a Doctor.

Sophia has been sick with a cold that somedays seems to get better and than others worse so on Monday Mark and I decided we needed to find a Doctor to have her looked at. We were referred to a Doctor that spoke English so we rang him at 8:30 am. After explaining our situation to him he told us he could come over to the house at 9 am to see Sophia or we could bring her into his office at 2 pm. We opted for the latter since she was sleeping...I really couldn't believe though that he was actually going to make a house call. Now, when we finally arrived at his office, I knocked on the door and the Doctor opened the door himself and guided me to his office. There were no mounds of paperwork to be filled out, no waivers, no insurance, nothing. He immediately started to gently caress Sophia's cheek in a loving way and to giver her an exam. Unfortunately, Sophia was very sick with Pneamonia and an ear infection. We were given a pad with the medication to get and he left us with "You have my home number and cell number to call me in teh morning" I have gotten increasingly annoyed by our health care system and how it is run. There are the personal touches in life that give quality and meaning. Italy is a country that still values this and it is wonderful to experience!!! P.S. Sophia is getting better.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Now this is what I call a fireplace

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View of the Tuscan Hills

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Riding through the tuscan hills

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Andrea took the kids on a horse ride. Kathryn is Brendan's new friend

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Roasting chestnuts at their home

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Our friends Andrea and Diane's house. They have been renovating it for the past 3 years.

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Santa found us in Florence!!!!Merry Christmas

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Our patio...

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Our family room

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Our Kitchen...Carrara marble is very popular in Tuscan homes.

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Another picture of our yard

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This is a view from the back yard...yes, it's the Duomo!!!

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It is over 300 years old

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Our home is on a seven acre walled compound

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The front door to our new home in Florence

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Driving through the white mountains of France

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Sophia and Brendan...true love

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view of Flaine from slopes

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Having a break for lunch...

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Soph skiing L.A. style

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Mark and his beard

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Swiss Alps

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Mark and Brendan

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About to go through the Mont Blanc Tunnel

Its the tallest mountain in Europe and we had to go through it to get to France. 14 km long!
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Skiing in Flaine, France

We drove seven hours (one hour wait to get into the Mont Blanc tunnel) to arrive in Flaine, France. It is situated in a high valley in the French Alps. Mark's cousin Antony and his family have an apartent their so we decided to rent one out for a week. Now, Mark's a great skier, Spencer is on his way, Brendan has absolutely no fear and I , well, let's just say that it's difficult to start skiing when you and a "mother". Flaine is a great ski resort for families. There are no cars and our positioning couldn't be better. The French people were warm and friendly and the mountains were breathtaking. We had a lot of fun!!!!