Sunday, December 23, 2007

Oh my God!!!

Well, I have to admit, we American's live in a Puritanical mind set...Or atleast I do. Today I had a massage appointment at the spa in the hotel. Mark suggested I go down and use the steam room etc. That sounded great...would sweat out the jet leg toxins. So I put my robe on over my bathing suit and went down there early for my appointment. Well, I walk into the spa, look around, notice a coat pole with a man's bathing suit on it, say hum to my self, look to the steam room to my left, put my robe on the coat pole and open the door. "WHAT" I say to myself "Oh my God, A naked man is sitting in the steam room." I couldn't control myself, I quickly turn around, grab the door handle, get my robe and run up to our room. Mark looks at me with puzzled eyes..."They are all naked in the spa!!! I just can't do that!!"


Anonymous said...

Tracy, Naked men... Can't be all that bad??? Sounds and looks like you are having a wonderful time. We are so glad you set up this blog, we are having so much fun enjoying your journey with you! Miss you tons! Merry belated Christmas!!! un felice e blesssed il nuovo anno!!!

Skelly South said...

I'll tell you what...Barb would have just laughed at another naked man.