Friday, December 14, 2007

Dec. 11, 2007

Dec. 10 was the day we left Los Angeles for our seven month adventure. We arrived at LAX to find out that Spencer, Brendan and Sophia's last name were spelled wrong by one letter!!! Air France insisted that we get it corrected by Delta who issued the tickets. So Mark ran like a Gizelle across the airport to the Delta counter to haggle for 1 hour. Basically they needed to cancel our round trip tickets and rebook which we were told we couldn't get on this flight but the next on which left 3 hours later. Mark stood there until the man finally found a way to get us on but change our return to have a four day layover in New York City!!! We will spend the fourth of July there!!! Can't complain too much. So than we ran with the kids through the airport to board with 5 minutes left and hearing our names called through the loud speaker. We were sooo thankful to sit in our seats!!!

We arrived in Milan after a 2 hour wait in Paris to find all our luggage except Sophia's car seat. So Mark filed a lost report and I went out to find the "Puegot Lady" who was to be delivering our car... There she was but WOULD OUR LUGGAGE FIT? And Sophia had to sit on my lap for our 3 hour journey up to Zermatt, Switzerland.


Anonymous said...

Looks amazing! I just showed Heather, Ashley and Julian the pics. Tell Brendan Julian said hi and he misses him...


The Heller

Julie said...

The pictures are beautiful, the kids look like they are having a blast.
I am glad that you arrived safely.
I wish you all the best on you holiday and wish I was their with you.
I want to also wish you an early b-day in case a forget to send an email.
Have a fantastic time with the family.

Love Ya,


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys

I am jealous

Could you please send me a bottle of Italy’s finest vino?

Gregg Kaplan

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a great way to pend your year. We will watch and see the world through your eyes!
Happy New Year! We miss you!!!
Rob, Stacee and the rest of the Paley Clan:-)