Tuesday, December 25, 2007

What is a nun?

We are learning so much every minute of the day. The kids have seen gypsies in the streets, new food, new way of driving and nuns...We were walking down the street and Spencer turned to me and asked "Mom, are nuns the ladies that wear skirts on their heads?"

Walking the streets of Florence!!! We love it.

We drove into Florence to see homes to rent.

Wendy's house in Citta di Castello

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Wemade it.

Today we said good bye to Zermatt and made our 6 hour trip to Citta di Castello, Umbria where we were going to stay. My girlfriend Wendy bought and restored this old farm house about 15 years ago...The trick is to heat the thick stone walls and kill the 1000's of flies...A great job for Mark. The boys couldn't wait to go exploring in the morning.

Oh my God!!!

Well, I have to admit, we American's live in a Puritanical mind set...Or atleast I do. Today I had a massage appointment at the spa in the hotel. Mark suggested I go down and use the steam room etc. That sounded great...would sweat out the jet leg toxins. So I put my robe on over my bathing suit and went down there early for my appointment. Well, I walk into the spa, look around, notice a coat pole with a man's bathing suit on it, say hum to my self, look to the steam room to my left, put my robe on the coat pole and open the door. "WHAT" I say to myself "Oh my God, A naked man is sitting in the steam room." I couldn't control myself, I quickly turn around, grab the door handle, get my robe and run up to our room. Mark looks at me with puzzled eyes..."They are all naked in the spa!!! I just can't do that!!"

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 13, 2007

What a glorious day!!! The boys had ski lessons and Sophia and I watched. We took the lift up to the top of the mountain to the most spectacular setting you can imagine!!!

December 12, 2007

We all woke up this morning grateful to have arrived safely to this beautiful, quaint, Swiss village. Zermatt is a "car free" town which meant we had to park our car last night in a car park outside the town and take an electic taxi in. The town is filled with soft powdery snow and the kids cannot wait to dive in. Sophia is not quite sure what to make of it!!! Brendan is on a hunt to find the big icecycle and I am looking forward to having Fondue and a hot toddie!!! Life is Great!!!

Dec. 11, 2007

Dec. 10 was the day we left Los Angeles for our seven month adventure. We arrived at LAX to find out that Spencer, Brendan and Sophia's last name were spelled wrong by one letter!!! Air France insisted that we get it corrected by Delta who issued the tickets. So Mark ran like a Gizelle across the airport to the Delta counter to haggle for 1 hour. Basically they needed to cancel our round trip tickets and rebook which we were told we couldn't get on this flight but the next on which left 3 hours later. Mark stood there until the man finally found a way to get us on but change our return to have a four day layover in New York City!!! We will spend the fourth of July there!!! Can't complain too much. So than we ran with the kids through the airport to board with 5 minutes left and hearing our names called through the loud speaker. We were sooo thankful to sit in our seats!!!

We arrived in Milan after a 2 hour wait in Paris to find all our luggage except Sophia's car seat. So Mark filed a lost report and I went out to find the "Puegot Lady" who was to be delivering our car... There she was but WOULD OUR LUGGAGE FIT? And Sophia had to sit on my lap for our 3 hour journey up to Zermatt, Switzerland.