Saturday, May 17, 2008


I can't get over the stunnning beauty that Tuscany reveils in Spring. The colors are absolutely stunning. Here are some photos that we have taken.

Julie's visit

My dear friend Julie came out to visit us for a week. It has been 20 years since we were here together and it was at that time that I fell in love with Italy.

Andrea and Diane

Andrea and Diane had all of us over for a bbq in their home which they have been renovating for the past 3 years. We cooked meat in the fireplace and of course drank Chianti!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Castello di Poppiano

Our friends Camillo and Flaminia invited us all out to see the Castello di Poppiano where they produce wine and olive oil and to have dinner at his parents villa next door. It was really a special night for all of us. We don't get to experience such history in California and it was fun to see where and how the wine is made and then drink it!!!!

Siena and San Gimignano

We drove out to Siena and San Gimignano for the day and than Marcella came over and helped us make a delicous meal.

Dad and Kathy arrive-April 6-13

We were very excited to see Dad again and also to have Kathy with us. We had a great week together...cramming in as much as possible. The first couple of days they went to the boys school, had dinner at our friends home and walked around.

April is here-Springtime in Florence

The flowers are so beautiful here. They are popping up on roadsides, gardens and hillsides. It is as though you are living in a picture book of Italy.

Hotel Terme di Medici-Fonte verde

Mark and I went to the hills of Siena and spent one night at the nice hotel that has fantastic thermal spas. These are natural water sources that come from the ground. It was a great experience and the hills were gorgeous!!!

Easter with the Russells

The explosion of the cart at Easter is sort of fortune-telling ritual dating back to the end of the 11th century. Four oxen draw the cart to the baptistery. A metal wire is run from the cart all the way to the choir of the cathedral. A small dove-shaped rocket is lit and shot down the length of the church. When it hits the cart at the fireworks go off and square becomes alive with smoke and sparks.