Saturday, February 16, 2008

Valentines Day 2008

We went with Dad and our friends, the Braheems for the day to Portofino.

Day two

Walking around Firenze

Dad's first visit.

Dad has made his first trip to Italy to visit with us for 10 days. He will be returning in April with his girlfriend, Kathy. We have been walking the streets of Firenze, eating at the various restaurants and some excursions. It has been really great to have Dad here to show him some of the things we are loving about our trip.

Pisa...the leaning tower.

Mark and I drove out to Pisa, which is only an hour away, to show the kids the leaning tower.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Venezia Carnivale

On Friday, Feb. 1st we went with the Braheems to Venezia to experience Carnivale. To say it was amazing is an understatement. First of all, there is no place on earth that is similar to Venezia (Venice) ; Than you throw in the winter fog and people dressed up in the most incredible costumes you have ever seen. To quote Anna Braheem "I was like stepping onto the set of Eyes Wide Shut. It was a great to never forget and it was also great to experience it with our friends.

The boys are really loving their new school.

One glorious winter day in Firenze

Cooking lessons with Marcella

Our friends, the Braheems, who have been living here in Firenze since August have been having this fantastic chef come to their home once a week to give them a cooking lesson. We are lucky enough to also have her come to our home. It has been a great experience for all of us. Not only does she teach us about Tuscan cooking but she also takes us to the San Lorenzo Market to pick the seasonal food out for that night's dinner and shares so many her ideas about Italy that is today and the Italy of yesterday. It is a fabulous night!!!